Live Action English Interactive Videos on YouTube
Everything from A-Z: All Things Topics-1000+ Quality ESL worksheets from A-Z,
Max and Lucy videos (made by Pauline!!) with teacher worksheets. (User name: EMCN22; password 2010. There is also a newer version (the light blue Interactive English) that does not require a password), Grammar: Especially good for middle levels-very comprehensive,
CLEO Community Legal Education,
Legal Rights and Responsibilities ESL Activity Kits By Topic, (ESL Activity Kits by Level . Each activity kit includes: introductory notes for teachers with context and CLB outcomes, a list of the activities in the kit, information about the CLEO publication on which the activities are based, and important preparatory information),
English & Literacy teacher’s resources,
English & Literacy learner’s resources,
Free Microsoft Word App Download,
Free Resources 90+ pages of lower level material; scroll down past the introduction to the table of contents-lots of good stuff here.
Oxford Picture Dictionary (OPD) Listening Tracks)
Many great videos from The Toronto Catholic District School Board